What is blackjack card counting and how it works?


It has become a fashion now betting and spending a lot of time in the real and casino games. Learn best techniques of online casinos worldwide. Blackjack is one quite popular and mostly played game among card game lovers.  Card counting in the game of blackjack is about keeping track of cards that are already dealt so that the upcoming cards can be predicted and game can be turned favorable. It is just a trick of mind and memorizing power that decides your winnings by giving attention to the cards being dealt. It is not just blackjack but in almost all card games, the actions and the timings matter a lot and even can turn the losses into winnings.

It is quite easy these days to find the card counting tools online; also, one can practice this trick and can apply but certainly, it takes time to learn all the strategies to be applied at right time.  Learn best professional techniques and online casino games at  www.genuinewinner.com/proof.html

There are mainly four types of card counting systems KO Count, Hi-Lo Count, Hi-Opt I Count and Hi-Opt II Count. KO card-counting system talks about the unbalanced type of card counting system in which you count all the cards in all the decks and not end up at zero just opposite to balanced where you count all the cards in all the decks and end up at zero. Hi-Lo Counting system also known as High Low or plus minus system talks about counting of High and low cards in the deck. Hi-Opt (highly optimum) I count system works precisely same as Hi-Lo count system but with little changes and more rules and the last Hi-Opt II Counting system is most advanced and must be used by the seasoned players only.

Almost in all the card counting systems, counting starts from zero and you must keep track of all the cards being dealt to all the players including the dealer. You will be looking for the positive cards that mean the smaller cards are already dealt and there remain larger cards in the deck. Larger cards give several advantages to the player like the possibility for dealer busting are more, player will be dealt with more blackjack and strong and high cards in launch. Having higher cards, player can bet high and can win high too but as the higher cards counting gets low or neutral it is wise to bet low as casino has high advantage at this time.

It takes hard practice to be skilled at card counting and it even takes months and even years for one to be highly proficient in blackjack card counting. For those who are beginners it is wise to either use Hi-Lo counting system or KO counting system as these are easy to learn and practice and once you master these systems thoroughly, you can certainly move on to the complex counting systems.

The legality of blackjack card counting is mostly news and is often talked about. Even most of the real casinos do not allow card counters to play blackjack and if someone is caught doing this, they show them the exit. However if you use only your brains rather any device, it is acceptable and you can go ahead at any casino. Black jack is a fun game and if you know when to bet high, when low and when to quit, it certainly becomes a treat.

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